Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard
House Shyeel Battle Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
House Shyeel Magister
Mage Hunter Assassin
Mage Hunter Assassin
Narn, Mage Hunter of Ios
Lanyssa Ryssyl
I think I was going to drop Skyreth for a destor Thane but forgot to.
Not having the real hitting power to take out the Mountain King I was looking for a quick scenario win.
First turn he ran up a unit of Champions on to my left hand flag and put the MK middle of the table. The Earthborn went into the forest on the right. From there I slammed the Griffon into his Champions knocking down all 3 but killing none. My Mage hunter assassin who has ran up to that flag the previous turn charged and killed one champion. There is a mean satisfaction in telling a troll player that he is not allowed make a tough roll.
I intended to knock down the other trolls with a boosted Banshee shot and kill a couple with the collateral however the Banshee missed and so sat out about 6 inches away from MK. The right flank repositioned to threaten the Earthborn and hold the objective. Vyros advanced to about 2 inches behind the Banshee and feated. I ran the Gorgon into melee with the MK to force lock it into position.
His turn. The champions got up and dicked around. Doomy cast a couple of primal shocks at the Gorgon taking out its shields and 2 middle columns. At this point the MK could have walked out of engagement and possibly sacked Vyros but the Troll player charged the Gorgon with 2 of his krielstone bearers and killed it, allowing me a feat trigger.
It was at this point that I pretty much decided unconsciously to loose the game. Hindsight saw that Vyros was not really under any threat from the MK, there was no physical space for it to move in to, I could have moved my banshee out of threat and have been positioned to possibly take out the MK next turn.
As it was however, I moved Vyros a full, overly cautious move backwards, placing him out of control for both of the Griffons on both flanks and leaving the Banshee to take the MK to the face. His Eatrhborn repositioned to some crates center right to rpepare for any counter attack on the MK.
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Feat turn initated! |
Griffon on the right flank held the flag, Griffon on the left tried to kill a champion, couldnt. my Mage hunter assassin tried to charge a champion, missed. Lanyssa hunters marked a Champion so Vyros could charge in with extended threat and left his charge target on one box. I was planning to kill the charge target quick work the other and have the MHA and Griffon mop up the other one. No such luck. On the other flank my army of solos 3/4 killed the earthborn.
So Vyros was sitting on full camp about 5 inches away from MK. Now Vyros is pretty tough, I have had his pVersion tank all kinds of beasts and jacks and his eVersion has tanked a Stormwall amongst other things, So I was thinking, he needs to clear out 2 solos to get the physical space to reach me, he then needs 10's to hit at d-4 damage.
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Snatching defeat |
So he makes 3 attacks all 3 hit and at d-4 on 3 boosted damage rolls eVyros is rather squished. Unimpressed Vman, you could have either killed those trolls to let me dominate and win, or at least... well, ok MK with wild aggression is pretty angry even if he deos need 10's he has 5 fury.
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A very dead Vyros |
Well I was about to forefit right away when I saw the posse and task master go down but I grudginly decided to continue. I ran....
Vyros, Incissar of the Dawnguard
House Shyeel Battle Mages (Leader and 5 Grunts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution
House Shyeel Magister
Lanyssa Ryssyll, Nyss Sorceress
I took first turn and positioned the Battle Mages just out of charge range, Lanyssa took the forest to my left accompanied by a Griffon and its Arcanist. On the right I had a large house blocking the far flag, my other Griffon took up position on the far side of it near the flag along with its Arcanist, the Manticore and Banshee went up behind the battle mages and Vyros cast syenergy and sat near center left.
On his turn he attempted to charge with the Crocs and fell short, the rest repositioned to cover the left flag and center objective. The rest of his force positioned up behind his wall near the center objective.
Vyros dropped 2 focus on the left Griffon and 2 on the manticore upkept synergy and camped the last. Lanyssa opened by hunters marking the far Gatorman, the one covering the Taskmaster. The magister moved around the center crates and whipsnapped a gatorman, moving the Manticore into a better position.I was poised to score at the end of this turn and I was thinking to score off of both flags by cunningly using my feat movement on the Griffon to place it to contest.
The Griffon cleared out the one gatorman it previously charged leaving one near him still, I was planning to charge this with the Manticore in order to allow the Griffon to reposition and score witha feat move. It was probably a bad idea and I didnt do it. Instead it walked around to engage 3 Gatormans and killed them all with 1 point in synergy and 2 focus. It was however set to recieve a Titan of some description. The griffon on the far right flag scored me a point. The battle mages took the middle ground and pushed his beasts around a little bit.
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Feat turn , watch the Banshee. |
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This time Vyros does not walk too far away. |
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Banshee kills Molik, Griffon sits pretty on opponents flag. |
Never mind a win on scenario and a decent one at that.
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